Mollie enjoys the snow. She is fearless, she runs and jumps through the deep snow banks. It is hard to capture her joy with my camera.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mollie enjoying our morning walk
Mollie enjoys the snow. She is fearless, she runs and jumps through the deep snow banks. It is hard to capture her joy with my camera.
Winter Solstice
The morning of December 21st began with lovely winter scenery. Yesterday's flurries has frosted everything with new white snow. A crescent moon is hiding amongst wisp of morning clouds hanging above the mountains.
Mollie and I return home to grab a camera to capture these lovely images. Mollie is getting much better at being patient as I take pictures.
She enjoys exploring the winter landscape. She searches for branches buried under the snow.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
More Shadows
Yesterday evening, the moonlight and leaf bare trees created a tangle of shadows along the path which Mollie and I traversed.
Sunset at Art Center
Friday, November 14, 2008
Moon set - Sunset Contrails
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Zack's photos
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween eve
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Night stars
Bev told me that what she enjoyed most about her trip to the Oregon coast, were the stars in the night sky. How they appeared so close; close enough to touch.
Tonight, due to a lack of moonlight, the sky is filled with so many stars, but the mountains definitately keep them out of reach.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another look at Fall Color
The oaks have now turned to bronze, but color may be found on the river. The dogwood is red, purple and yellow. The cottonwoods and willow have also turned yellow. The water reflects the colors. Lovely.
On our walk, mollie and I walk through fallen leaves that crunch underfoot. And, I am reminded of walks to grandma's from school, and the thoughts that I use to have that if I just thought or visualized grandma's house well enough that I could magically be transported there.
Pre-Dawn Sky
Floating in the pre-dawn sky, the moon smiles like the cheshire cat in Alice's looking glass. (Think the Disney version).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Evening Sky
An orange syrup of light drips through the canyon's mouth melting into mountains covered in golden autumn leaves. And I don't have a camera handy.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Mollie in the act
As usual Mollie has to get involved. Here is another picture with her adding to the view, and a few more of the golden autumn afternoon.
Indian Summer
I am not sure why it is called Indian Summer, but I am enjoying the warm, golden fall weekend especially after last weekend. Just the yellow and gold leaves are left.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall Observation
Have you ever noticed that maple seed wings covered with morning dew look just like lacewing wings or the wings of childhood's fairies!
Waiting for window repair
In waiting for my window to be repaired, Mollie and I took care of some Fall chores. These pictures I call Mollie in the middle of everything!
October 13 in to 14, 2008
This morning around three I remembered that I had stupidly left my purse in the car. Agh! Someone broke my window and stole it. What a hazzle!
October 12, 2008 *snow*
On Saturday, October 11, a early fall snow started. It was mostly slush, but it turned the conifer higher up into frosted white trees.
Then on Sunday, October 12th we woke to snow covered ground.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Lovely Fall Afternnon
Yesterday, October 8th, I took the afternoon off. After completing all my errands and other business, Mollie and I took a lovely afternoon walk. It was a beautiful fall afternoon, warmed by the sun. Many of the maple leaves have fallen. The oaks, cottonwood and oaks have just started to change. It was a perfect afternoon walk.
Today the weather is cooler, and they are forecasting snow for the weekend. Snow on the valley floor.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
After the Rain
We had rain all day Saturday. It brought down most of the changing maple leaves. But the yellow Box Elder leaves are just starting.
Friday with an incoming storm, a rainbow appeared for a short time over the mountains. This is the best thing about digital cameras, you can keep them at hand and don't need to worry about film.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Autumn's scent
Autumn has its own scents - the sweet over ripe smell of windfall apples, the dry musty scent of fallen leaves, and evening bonfires. Then there are the sounds - the clicking sound of grasshoppers as they fly, a scolding squirrel, the pop of acorns in the fire. And what of taste - the sweet, juicy pear, the spice of apple sauce cookies, the warmth of chili.
Update of Canyon Color
The canyon changes daily. The color in fall is lovely but fades. I found a few sumac brushes that the moose had not snacked on, and a few acorns still on the scrub oak that the squirrels have not harvested.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dark Moon
In a pre-dawn sky, a dark moon rises over a jagged silhouette mountain range. Its lower rim edged in a golden glow. A companion in my travels, it peers coyly from behind mountain peaks and puffs of gray clouds in a pastel violet-blue sky. Near my journey's end, it fades lost in the light of the sunrise.
Sumac vs. moose
Earlier this week, a moose snacked on the red, green, and orange sumac leaves. It left only nibbled trunks.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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